

Episodes of The Advocis Podcast focused on financial literacy are available here on Financial Advice for All. With professional financial advisors as hosts and guests, these shows offer valuable insights to consumers on a wide range of topics related to financial literacy.

Episode 12: Investing in your clients – Why Financial Education is Key for Canadians

Host Kelly Gustafson is joined by Saskia Vermeulen, Melissa Harrell and Chyanne Hodgson to discuss positive PR for financial advisors in support of Canadian consumers, strategies they can share with their clients & the importance of working with a professional financial advisor or financial planner.

Subscribe to The Advocis Podcast on YouTube, Spotify and SoundCloud.

Episode 8 – Financial Advisors on Financial Literacy

Host Al Jones is joined by Will Britton, Jackie McCann-Scott, Jennifer Murphy and Seema Sharma to offer their thoughts and experiences on the best advice that financial advisors can offer to clients on the money, buying, planning and life event basics that make up financial literacy.

Subscribe to The Advocis Podcast on YouTube, Spotify and SoundCloud.

Episode 6 – Cindy Marques and Laurie Martin

In this special Financial Literacy Month episode of the Financial Advice For All podcast, Cindy Marques, a Certified Financial Planner and Financial Literacy Advocate, and Laurie Martin, a Certified Trauma Treatment Specialist and Elder Planning Counselor, talk about the financial challenges millennials face, the changing meaning of retirement, the differences between tracking your spending and having a budget, and much more.

Subscribe to The Advocis Podcast on Spotify and Soundcloud.